Monday, September 5, 2016

Malthusians and the Neo-Malthusians

After reading the first chapter of The Bet, I obtained insight into the life of biologist, Paul Ehrlich. Paul Ehrlich identifies himself as a neo-Malthusian using the ideas of Reverend Thomas Malthus on overpopulation and limited resources to shape his views on population growth.  As a future scientist, I  believe that he has the data to support his beliefs and admire his passion for trying to gain national attention on a scientific issue. However, I find Ehrlich to be an extremist that took Malthus idea on overpopulation that I agree with a little too far for my liking. Some examples include his stance on overpopulation in India, means of expressing his ideas, and thoughts on preventing overpopulation. In regards to overpopulation in India he stated he was, "astounded by Americans who were horrified by the idea of triage as applied to international food aid" (Sabin 25-26). He felt that the only way to help India was only through addressing overpopulation and not through providing food to those suffering. He is also known to have a sharp tongue and not being afraid of what others think of him. He had made a remark about how Jack Williams, Governor of Arizona was a clown and moron for his views on environmental and population issues (Sabin 55). Additionally, in terms of a solution to overpopulation, he advocated forcefully for abortion rights, easy access to contraception, vasectomies, and sterilization (Sabin 37-38). Based on examples from the text, I think he comes off as a bit forceful and radical. In terms of his solutions, I especially do not agree on sterilization since I feel humans do have a right to have children.

Sabin, Paul.  2014.  The Bet: Paul Ehrlich, Julian Simon, and Our Gamble over Earth’s Future.  New Haven: Yale UP.

1 comment:

  1. Jenna - this is a terrific discussion - I think you develop some strong arguments in this post, and I welcome you to use this text in your book review too!
