Monday, September 26, 2016

Defining Sustainability:

According to Jeffery Sachs, author of The Age Of Sustainable Development," Sustainability is described as a form of development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Sachs 5). Sachs then discusses how sustainable development through a normative approach which is understanding society holistic and developing synergy of all components to in turn make society prosperous. We especially should take account for the triple components of sustainability where environment, society, and economy work together to achieve sustainability.  The role of government should also be a factor of importance when thinking about sustainability. The normative approach focuses more on setting a plan and following through with.  He also mentions an analytical aspect of just understanding the linkage between all aspects of society.  In terms of how I view sustainability, I do agree with the definition that Sachs provide. We need to find ways to make society work well for us but also consider what would be left for future generations. Sustainability is not an issue that can addressed in days but rather an issue that involves deep planning and cooperation of all parties involved. Sustainability is analytical requiring a game plan derived in logic that can benefit all parties involved. It can be also normative if we develop a way to make society better now that will be implemented by our generation and future generations to come. If the government and society don't stand up for our environment, who will? It is time to take into account the interests of all to make the future a brighter place for our children.

In terms of better understanding sustainable development, I would like explore sustainable development in Sweden (1st choice) and Australia (2nd choice).


  1. I love this. Great job explaining sustainability and getting your point across.

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  4. I agree with your take on sustainable development to an extent. You're right about looking towards the future for the next generations but I feel there are factors that play into these components that hinder the goal for sustainable development. Overall, you did very well at explaining sustainable development.

  5. I like how you said that we need to find ways to make society work for both us and future generations. I believe that it is a problem within today's society because most people seem to not take the future, and future generations, into account. Sustainability is an issue that will take a long time to fix, but hopefully people can agree on ways to help better out environment.

  6. Great image - I like seeing and reflecting on these overlapping circles. I also liked your comment that sustainability "involves deep planning and cooperation." This is really true - it is also really hard to grasp in a world where so much decision making is day to day and year to year - not generation to generation.
