Monday, September 26, 2016

Defining Sustainability:

According to Jeffery Sachs, author of The Age Of Sustainable Development," Sustainability is described as a form of development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (Sachs 5). Sachs then discusses how sustainable development through a normative approach which is understanding society holistic and developing synergy of all components to in turn make society prosperous. We especially should take account for the triple components of sustainability where environment, society, and economy work together to achieve sustainability.  The role of government should also be a factor of importance when thinking about sustainability. The normative approach focuses more on setting a plan and following through with.  He also mentions an analytical aspect of just understanding the linkage between all aspects of society.  In terms of how I view sustainability, I do agree with the definition that Sachs provide. We need to find ways to make society work well for us but also consider what would be left for future generations. Sustainability is not an issue that can addressed in days but rather an issue that involves deep planning and cooperation of all parties involved. Sustainability is analytical requiring a game plan derived in logic that can benefit all parties involved. It can be also normative if we develop a way to make society better now that will be implemented by our generation and future generations to come. If the government and society don't stand up for our environment, who will? It is time to take into account the interests of all to make the future a brighter place for our children.

In terms of better understanding sustainable development, I would like explore sustainable development in Sweden (1st choice) and Australia (2nd choice).

Monday, September 19, 2016

A Book Review on The Bet
"The Birth of Free-Market Environmentalism" By Nicholson

  1. Observe the book review: How was the book review written? [What was the structure of the review?; What was the author’s approach to writing the review?; Often a book review begins with a summary, followed by some reflections on the book, other times a book review is an editorial platform]
    The book review was written summarizing the role Simon and Ehrlich played in creating free-market environmentalism and their impact on government and policy. He also uses The Bet as a way to explain environmental history and policy in the United States as a story while also incorporating what is happening at the international level both currently and in the past. Nicholson took a very neutral approach mainly describing the opinion and influence of these two contradicting ideas. At the end, he comes out to say that the middle ground seems to be where we should stand since both sides do make valid points that should not fully dismissed.
  2. In what ways did you agree and/or disagree with the book reviewer?  

I agree with the book reviewer that we should consider both arguments when making a final determination as to ways we address overpopulation and environmental needs. If we dismiss the ideas of Ehrlich, we would be living with ignorance while also dismissing the ideas of Simon would be useless when determining a possible solution to overpopulation. I agree also that our environment is deteriorating and it requires us all to come to a consensus on how to make our world a better place for all. I also want to add that support what the author is stating about how Simon's beliefs tailor towards free market and economic growth over environmental protection. I can also see how our society has shifted from addressing the needs of our environment valuing Ehrlich's perspective in the 1970s and 1980s to a viewpoint today that sides more with Simon using economic growth and technological advances as a solution to environmental concerns. Our society has shifted from the Nixon, Carter, and Reagan presidencies that focused on environmental legislative and solutions to more recent presidents like George H. W Bush who supports economic growth believing Americans shouldn't have to sacrifice their way of living. I do concur with the author that there is some question as to whether using Simon's belief of free market environmentalism can be a beneficial solution to addressing environmental concerns.
What is my Reaction to The Bet?

Were there omissions made or arguments made by Paul Sabin that you found concerning?
Sabin focused a lot on the bickering between the sides but I would have liked him to address more on the main ideas of both Simon and Ehrlich. I would have liked to better understand both sides instead of the author focusing on what person is supporting who. By also focusing on extreme ideas like not giving food to countries in need or forced sterilization, that was a bit alarming and concerning. I was also very concerned by the lack of a solution provided at the end of the book. I was hoping the author would be more optimistic providing a solution or middle ground to both arguments in terms of environmental law or ideas but Sabin left it very open ended.

  1. What did you think of this book?  Did you like it?  Dislike it?  Feel ambivalent about it?
    Overall, I really liked this book. What I enjoyed most about this book was Sabin presented both arguments equally in the form of a story allowing the reader to decide where they fall. I also really liked how the author ended the novel referring their opinions two ends of a continuum. He allows the reader to decide what ideas they support and like and whether they are all for Ehrlich all for Simon or right in the middle. This book allows me to better understand the historical content that was pivotal to the environmental movement while also showing a lot of the opposition present, which I never before understood.

  2. What part of the book did you feel you already knew about?
    Coming into this class with a biology background, I knew a lot of content Ehrlich used to support his argument. When he talks about carrying capacity, exponential growth or references the laws of thermodynamics, it is very relatable making his argument more approachable to me.

  3. What did you learn from the book?  What lessons did you draw from the book?
    This book taught me a lot about where were are today in terms of environmental policy and the great divide between Democrats and Republicans through the different presidencies on the issue of addressing our environmental needs. I also learned that if you are going to make a bet like Ehrlich and Simon did, it is best to make a bet over more than just a 10 year period. If Ehrlich had made the bet later on or had suggested a longer time frame, he would have won bringing more attention to addressing the needs of overpopulation and the impact on our environment.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Our Oceans Need Us

In an article in the Atlantic entitled, "Why the EPA doesn't Regulate Ocean Acidification," the author discusses the severe threat of ocean acidification on marine life especially those with calcium carbonate shells. Our zooplankton, corals, and clams that form the basis of the food chain are in jeopardy due high levels of carbon dioxide in our oceans. As a society, we tend to focus on global warming and the greenhouse gases but fail to remember that are our oceans' are hurting too. The EPA has failed to regulate ocean acidification or even list carbon dioxide as an extreme water pollutant. Non profits including the Center for Biological Diversity have sued the EPA to get them to take action on the issue. Ocean Acidification has only recently been coined and most of the research is very recent only beginning to understand the true effect on our oceans. One of the most common ways to access ocean acidification is through pH. Since the EPA doesn't have a good baseline for assessing any change, this has become problematic. 

The author of this article, Robin Meyer, works for the Atlantic where he covers issues relating to technology. He is also a climate writer and through his twitter account, provides interesting images and statistics on the issue of climate change. Climate change is a topic he is knowledgable and passionate about. Recently the author Robin @yayitsrob tweeted, "really remarkable how much warmer 2016 is," showing a moving image of the temperature increasing annually since the early 1960s. This article was written from his perspective as a concerned citizen on the issue of climate change. Since the author does not have the identity of being a scientist, he tends to leave out explaining exactly what ocean acidification is. The common reader may not understand what he is referring to if they don't have the proper background. He is great at providing statistics and explaining policy and research done. By just reading this article, you may understand how the issue is not being addressed but may fail to understand exactly what ocean acidification is. Understanding the background of the writer may provide great insight into what can be gained from reading an article.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Extra Extra- Read all about the Environment

In an article entitled, "Water supplies in Syria deteriorating fast due to conflict, experts warn," found on and published in the Guardian, it discusses the pressing issue of clean water in a war torn society. As John Vidal, an environment editor, stated the presence of droughts in Syrian communities has caused them to migrate and flee for their lives. In the past, Syria never really had a plentiful supply of water as farmers began moving from the rural areas to the cities after years of overexploitation. Especially now with the war, controlling infrastructure such as water is seen as a sign of power. The number currently stand as 4.3 million people who have fled to neighboring countries like Lebanon, Turkey, Jordan, and other European nations in hopes of better living conditions in the face of war. Neighboring country, Lebanon, has taken in around 1.8 million refugees that have in turn hindered their water supply. With migration at an all time high with Lebanon increasing by 30% in terms of population size, this puts the need of water in high demand. If water is in high demand, there is also higher generation of sewage that goes untreated which eventually results in more solid waste disposed of in dumps. This can be a direct example of what Paul Ehrlich stated, as a population increases, resources become limited and scarce which can pose a serious threat to the lives of all those who depend on it and beyond.

Water, food, and shelter are basic necessities that we take for granted. All humans should have access especially those in war torn areas. If we rely on only neighboring countries to take in so many people, it also negatively impacts their environment as well. Since John Vidal is an environmentalist, he may not have the perspective of a politician who may see why other countries may be afraid or unable to take in more refugees. Mei Fong may also stress the importance of a one child policy especially in a war torn area where many people tend to flee for their lives.  I believe that more countries should take in more refugees to lessen the burden present especially 1st world countries that have easy access to fresh water. It is important to remember that we are all in this together as one Earth. The earth can only handle so many people in one location. Like they say, sharing is caring especially in a time of desperate need.

Article can be found here:

Monday, September 5, 2016

Malthusians and the Neo-Malthusians

After reading the first chapter of The Bet, I obtained insight into the life of biologist, Paul Ehrlich. Paul Ehrlich identifies himself as a neo-Malthusian using the ideas of Reverend Thomas Malthus on overpopulation and limited resources to shape his views on population growth.  As a future scientist, I  believe that he has the data to support his beliefs and admire his passion for trying to gain national attention on a scientific issue. However, I find Ehrlich to be an extremist that took Malthus idea on overpopulation that I agree with a little too far for my liking. Some examples include his stance on overpopulation in India, means of expressing his ideas, and thoughts on preventing overpopulation. In regards to overpopulation in India he stated he was, "astounded by Americans who were horrified by the idea of triage as applied to international food aid" (Sabin 25-26). He felt that the only way to help India was only through addressing overpopulation and not through providing food to those suffering. He is also known to have a sharp tongue and not being afraid of what others think of him. He had made a remark about how Jack Williams, Governor of Arizona was a clown and moron for his views on environmental and population issues (Sabin 55). Additionally, in terms of a solution to overpopulation, he advocated forcefully for abortion rights, easy access to contraception, vasectomies, and sterilization (Sabin 37-38). Based on examples from the text, I think he comes off as a bit forceful and radical. In terms of his solutions, I especially do not agree on sterilization since I feel humans do have a right to have children.

Sabin, Paul.  2014.  The Bet: Paul Ehrlich, Julian Simon, and Our Gamble over Earth’s Future.  New Haven: Yale UP.